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Argo CD

Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.

Getting started

If managing Makefile includes manually, you must append microk8s and argocd to MAKESTER__INCLUDES to enable the Makester Argo CD subsystem.

Argo CD needs to be deployed into a Kubernetes cluster. As such, Start by checking the MicroK8s status:

MicroK8s status should be in the 'running' state.
make microk8s-status

Follow the prompts to start MicroK8s, or refer to the Makester microk8s subsystem documentation for further information on how to install MicroK8s.

To get an Argo CD instance deployed onto MicroK8s with minimal fuss:

make argocd-up

On successful completion of the target, you will be provided with the URL to the Argo CD API server and the login credentials. For example:

### Waiting for argocd-server pod in argocd namespace to be ready ...
2023-04-10 21:48:46 logga [INFO]: Checking host:port Argo CD API server ...
2023-04-10 21:48:47 logga [INFO]: Port 20443 ready
### Argo CD API Server address forwarded to:
### Argo CD API Server log output can be found at /home/lupco/dev/makester/.makester/argocd-dashboard.out
### Login to the Argo CD API Server as user "admin" with following password:

Argo CD API server

Enter the credentials to land on the main Argo CD applications page: Argo CD API server

A sample web app can be deployed to demonstrates how to enable a service with Argo CD:

make argocd-example

You can interact with the app deployment via the Argo CD applications page:

To remove the sample app:

make argocd-example-del

To clean up all resources:

make argocd-down

Command reference

Login to the Argo CD CLI

Use the password generated with the argocd-creds target.

make argocd-cli-login 

Dump the Argo CD credentials in plain-text

make argocd-creds

Sample output:

Sample Argo CD credentials.
### Login to the Argo CD API Server as user "admin" with following password:

Start the Argo CD API server

The target will also provide the credentials required to basic authenticate against the Argo CD API server UTR:

make argocd-dashboard

Sample output:

2023-04-10 21:51:12 logga [INFO]: Checking host:port Argo CD API server ...
2023-04-10 21:51:13 logga [INFO]: Port 20443 ready
### Argo CD API Server address forwarded to:
### Argo CD API Server log output can be found at .makester/argocd-dashboard.out
### Login to the Argo CD API Server as user "admin" with following password:

Stop the Argo CD API server

Tears down the Kubernetes port-forward to the Argo CD API server.

make argocd-dashboard-stop

Depoly Argo CD into MicroK8s

Convenience all-in-one target to stand up an Argo CD instance:

make argocd-deploy

Argo CD deployment clean up

make argocd-down

Create the Argo CD example guestbook application

You will be prompted for the Argo CD CLI login credentials that are the same as those provided by the argocd-dashboard target:

make argocd-example

Delete the Argo CD example guestbook application

make argocd-example-del

Start the Argo CD example guestbook application UI

Creates a Kubernetes port-forward to the sample web app:

make argocd-example-ui

Sample output:

Argo CD sample web app output.
### Argo CD Example App UI: (Ctrl-C to stop)
Forwarding from -> 80

The web app is a simple interface with limited capability: Argo CD sample web app

Install an Argo CD instance into the argocd namespace

make argocd-install

Create the argocd namespace

make argocd-ns

Delete the argocd namespace

make argocd-ns-del

Argo CD deployment and API server setup

All-in-one convenience target to install the required addons and deploy Argo CD into MicroK8s:

make argocd-up



The Argo CD API Server port (default <20443>).
