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Docker Compose

Traditional Makester compose has supported docker compose capability for basic multi-container orchestration. Makester strategy is to move more into the Kubernetes space. As such, support for Makester compose will continue to diminish over time.


Support for PyPI docker-compose has been deprecated as there does not appear to be a roadmap within that project to move to docker compose V2.

As of Moby 20.10.13, docker compose V2 is integrated into the Docker CLI. This means that we do not need to support the installation of the standalone docker-compose.

The Makester Docker compose subsystem help lists the available commands:

make compose-help

Command Reference

Build your Compose Stack

make compose-up


A sample docker-compose.yml is provided for testing. The sample stack can be created with the following command:

SAMPLE_COMPOSE_PORT=19999 MAKESTER__COMPOSE_FILES="-f sample/docker-compose.yml" make compose-up

Then navigate to http://localhost:19999 in your browser to see a simple NGiNX test page.

Run make compose-down to bring the stack down.

Destroy your Compose Stack

make compose-down

Dump your Compose Stack's Configuration

make compose-config



Makester compose expects a docker-compose.yml in the top level directory of the project repository. However, this can overridden by setting the MAKESTER__COMPOSE_FILES parameter:

MAKESTER__COMPOSE_FILES = -f docker-compose-supa.yml


If you need more control over docker compose, then override the MAKESTER__COMPOSE_RUN_CMD parameter in your Makefile. For example, to specify the verbose output option:



Override the docker compose --file switch (defaults to -f docker-compose.yml).


Override the docker compose run command.
