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Handy Python tooling.

Getting started

Ensure a Python 3 interpreter is available in your path (we recommend installing pyenv).

The Makester Python subsystem aims to be a light-weight, pure-Python implementation of your project's Python project environment management with basic tooling. Unlike Conda and Poetry, or the like, no additional software installs or new learnings are required. But again, that is not the real problem Makester is trying to solve and does not care if you insist on using a third-party tool for your Python packaging and dependency management. Simply abstract those commands behind a make target. This allows you to swap out and/or implement a hybrid Python packaging and dependency management system, if that is what you really want to do.

Command reference

Create a simple Python project directory layout

Makester v0.1.4

Quick start Python project based on Packaging Python Projects.

make py-proj-create


Defaults to src-layout.

For example, given MAKESTER__PROJECT_DIR=/var/tmp/fruit:

MAKESTER__PACKAGE_NAME=banana make py-proj-create

Makester will produce the following directory layout:

├── pyproject.toml
├── src
   └── banana
└── tests
    └── banana

Create a Pylint configuration

As per Pylint configuration

make py-pylintrc

Create a Python distribution package

Create a versioned archive file that contains your Python packages:

make py-distribution

See Packaging Python Projects for more information.

Display your local environment's Python setup

make py-vars
### System python3: <$HOME>/.pyenv/shims/python3
### System python3 version: Python 3.10.8
### ---
### Virtual env tooling: <$HOME>/.pyenv/shims/python3 -m venv
### Virtual env Python: <$HOME>/dev/makester/venv/bin/python
### Virtual env pip: <$HOME>/dev/makester/venv/bin/pip

Build virtual environment venv

make py-venv-create


Makester virtual environment creation will also automatically update pip and setuptools versions to the latest whilst also installing the wheel package.

Delete virtual environment venv

make py-venv-clear

Install Python package dependencies from requirements.txt

pip editable install with package dependencies taken from requirements.txt:

make pip-requirements

Install Python package dependencies from

pip editable install with package dependencies taken from

make pip-editable

Install Python package dependencies from pyproject.toml

As per PEP 660, editable installs are now supported from pyproject.toml:

make py-install


pip editable installs via pyproject.toml are supported together with setuptools v64.0.0 as the backend and pip v21.3 as the frontend. Both setuptools and pip are automatically updated as part of make py-venv-create.

Build Python package from

Write wheel package to --wheel-dir (defaults to ~/wheelhouse):

make package

Invoke the Python virtual environment REPL

make py

Show Python package dependencies

Leverage the awesome pipdeptree tool.

make py-deps

Format your Python modules

Use black for code formatting.

make py-fmt-all
Sample formatter output.
### Formatting Python files under "<$MAKESTER__PROJECT_DIR>/src"
All done!  🍰 4 files left unchanged.

To target Python modules under MAKESTER__PYTHONPATH:

make py-fmt-src

Similarly for test modules, to target Python modules under MAKESTER__TESTS_PYTHONPATH:

make py-fmt-tests

To target a subset of your project, or even individual files with the py-fmt target:

make py-fmt

Without providing a FMT_PATH, the command will error:

Formatting error without setting a path.
### "FMT_PATH" undefined
makefiles/ *** ###.  Stop.

The following example demonstrates how to set FMT_PATH for a single Python module:

Formatting a Python module.
FMT_PATH=src/makester/ make py-fmt
Sample formatter output when setting FMT_PATH.
### Formatting Python files under "src/makester/"
All done!  🍰 1 file left unchanged.

Directory paths to Python modules are also supported:

Formatting Python modules under a given path.
FMT_PATH=src/makester make py-fmt
Sample formatter output when setting FMT_PATH with a path to Python modules.
### Formatting Python files under "src/makester"
All done!  🍰 4 files left unchanged.

Lint your Python modules

Use pylint for code linting.

make py-lint-all
Sample linter output.
### Linting Python files under "<$MAKESTER__PROJECT_DIR>/src"

Your code has been rated at 10.00/10 (previous run: 10.00/10, +0.00)

To target Python modules under MAKESTER__PYTHONPATH:

make py-lint-src

Similarly for test modules, to target Python modules under MAKESTER__TESTS_PYTHONPATH:

make py-lint-tests

To target a subset of your project, or even individual files with the py-lint target:

make py-lint

Without providing a LINT_PATH, the command will error:

Linting error without setting a path.
### "LINT_PATH" undefined
makefiles/ *** ###.  Stop.

The following example demonstrates how to set LINT_PATH for a single Python module:

Linting a Python module.
LINT_PATH=src/makester/ make py-lint
Sample linter output when setting LINT_PATH.
### Linting Python files under "src/makester/"

Your code has been rated at 10.00/10 (previous run: 10.00/10, +0.00)

Directory paths to Python modules are also supported:

Linting Python modules under a given path.
LINT_PATH=src/makester make py-lint
Sample linter output when setting LINT_PATH with a path to Python modules.
### Linting Python files under "src/makester"

Your code has been rated at 10.00/10 (previous run: 10.00/10, +0.00)

Type annotating your Python modules

Use mypy for code type annotation.


Makester defaults to a more strict interpretation of type annotation checks with the --disallow-untyped-defs switch. This can be overridden with MAKESTER__MYPY_OPTIONS.

make py-type-all
Sample type annotation output.
### Type annotating Python files under "/Users/lomarkovski/dev/makester/src"
Success: no issues found in 4 source files

To target Python modules under MAKESTER__PYTHONPATH:

make py-type-src

Similarly for test modules, to target Python modules under MAKESTER__TESTS_PYTHONPATH:

make py-type-tests

To target a subset of your project, or even individual files with the py-type target:

make py-type

Without providing a TYPE_PATH, the command will error:

Formatting error without setting a path.
### "TYPE_PATH" undefined
makefiles/ *** ###.  Stop.

The following example demonstrates how to set TYPE_PATH for a single Python module:

Type annotating a Python module.
TYPE_PATH=src/makester/ make py-type
Sample type annotating output when setting LINT_PATH.
### Type annotating Python files under "src/makester/"
Success: no issues found in 1 source file

Directory paths to Python modules are also supported:

Type annotating Python modules under a given path.
TYPE_PATH=src/makester make py-type
Sample type annotation output when setting LINT_PATH with a path to Python modules.
### Type annotating Python files under "src/makester"
Success: no issues found in 4 source files

Markdown formatter

Use mdformat as a CommonMark compliant Markdown formatter.

make py-md-fmt

Without providing a MD_FMT_PATH, the command will error:

Markdown formatting error without setting a path.
### "MD_FMT_PATH" undefined
makefiles/ *** ###.  Stop.

The following example demonstrates how to set MD_FMT_PATH for a single Markdown file:

Formatting a single Markdown file.
make py-md-fmt MD_FMT_PATH=docs/docs/
Sample formatter output when setting MD_FMT_PATH.
### Formatting Markdown files under "docs/docs/"

Directory paths to Markdown files are also supported:

Markdown formatting under a given path.
make py-md-fmt MD_FMT_PATH=docs

All-in-one code checker

Special convenience target that runs all code check commands together.

Lint, format and annotate in one step
make py-check



Path to the current system-wide python executable. In Makester context, this should only be used to create a Python virtual environment for your project. Makester will attempt to identify the Python interpreter from your environment path. However, MAKESTER__SYSTEM_PYTHON3 can also be used to override the system-wide Python.


Path to the Python virtual environment python executable. You can reference this anywhere in your Makefile as $(MAKESTER__PYTHON).


Path to the Python virtual environment pip executable. You can reference this anywhere in your Makefile as $(MAKESTER__PIP).


Control the location to where Python will build its wheels to. See wheel-dir.


Path to the Python package contents. For example, MAKESTER__PYTHON_PROJECT_ROOT would be <MAKESTER__PROJECT_DIR>/project/src/my_package if your Python project structure follows this format:

└── src/
    └── my_package/


Makester Python project directory structure follows the src layout. However, this can be overridden with MAKESTER__PYTHONPATH (default to $MAKESTER__PROJECT_DIR/src)

MAKESTER__PYTHONPATH also acts as the default value for PYTHONPATH in your environment.


Python project src layout's tests directory location compliment (default to $MAKESTER__PROJECT_DIR/tests).


Control the switch settings to mypy when running type annotation across the code base (default --disallow-untyped-defs).
