Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that lets you build, change, and version infrastructure safely and efficiently.
Caveat emptor: The intro was taken from the official Terraform page. Makester is by no way endorsing Terraform as a preferred IaC. There are probably better ways to handle infrastructure deployments. Consider this only as a basic Terraform primer. For example, to stand up a managed Kubernetes cluster where you can then leverage GitOps. The less DevOps in your project, the better ...
Getting started
Ensure Terraform is available in your path (we recommend installing tfenv).
If managing Makefile
includes manually, you must append terraform
enable the Makester Terraform subsystem.
Command reference
Create a simple Terraform project directory layout
Makester will produce the following directory layout:
is pre-populated with the standard terraform
block, ready to start adding your
providers. All other files within the terraform
directory are simple stubs, only.
With new Terraform configuration files in place, you will need to initialise the working directory.
Initialise a Terraform working directory
This is the first command that should be run after writing a new Terraform configuration and is safe to re-run multiple times.
Validate Terraform configuration files
Checks if configuration is syntactically valid and internally consistent. Validation does not access remote state.
Display current Terraform version
Preview the Terraform execution plan
Report on state changes before applying.
Execute the Terraform execution plan
Applies the Terraform configuration in the working directory.
Destroy all remote objects managed by Terraform configuration
Rewrite Terraform configuration with consistent formatting
Formatting is based on a subset of the Terraform language style conventions.
Check Terraform configuration formatting
Report on Terraform configuration files that are subject to formatting changes.
Display Terraform configuration formatting diffs
Display Terraform configuration file formatting differences.
Launch interactive console
Console allows you to evaluate Terraform expressions and interact with any values that are currently saved in the configuration state.
Inspecting infrastructure state
List all resources in the state file:
It is possible to filter resources by providing an address to the MAKESTER__TERRAFORM_RESOURCE
Workspaces: list all available workspaces
Workspaces: create a new workspace
Create a new Terraform workspace as per the value defined by MAKESTER__TERRAFORM_WS.
Workspaces: delete a workspace
Delete Terraform workspace defined by MAKESTER__TERRAFORM_WS.
Workspaces: choose a workspace to use
Select Terraform workspace defined by MAKESTER__TERRAFORM_WS.
Remove a local binding to an existing remote object without first destroying it
Remove a binding to an existing remote object without first destroying it. This makes Terraform "forget" the object while it continues to exist in the remote system.
must be provided. Otherwise an error is generated.
Switch to a different working directory before executing the given subcommand.
Defaults to $(MAKESTER__PROJECT_DIR)/terraform
See Switching working directory with -chdir
Control Terraform workspace context. Default is default
See Workspaces.
Name of an address to the Terraform commands that supports resource filtering.